Home Netflix News Sonia Acevedo from Worst Roommate Ever: Fans Set Up GoFundMe Page for Her!
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Sonia Acevedo from Worst Roommate Ever: Fans Set Up GoFundMe Page for Her!

Sonia Acevedo from Worst Roommate Ever: Fans Set Up GoFundMe Page for Her!

Sonia Acevedo is one of the victims of fraud by Jamison Bachman in the Netflix series Worst Roommate Ever. Sonia Acevedo’s GoFundMe page is the topic of online curiosity following the worst roommates show. Know how Sonia from Worst Roommate Ever got scammed by one of her roommates, and how her fans have now set up a Go Fund Me page for her.

Worst Roommate Ever on Netflix offers four different and horrible stories about people’s experiences with roommates who have made their lives a living hell.

Living life with someone near to us, especially a roommate, mostly makes our life better. However, the Netflix series shows that it could get scarier sometimes as well. The mini-series premiered on March 1st, and since then, the internet has been buzzing with living partner horror stories.

Jamison Bachman a.k.a Jed Creek, who is quite frankly Sonia Acevedo‘s worst roommate ever, is introduced in the show’s final two episodes.

In addition to Sonia, Jamison frauded multiple house owners and roommates using his law degree. Alex Miller and Arleen Hairbaedian are among the other victims who were frauded by The Serial Squatter.

Previously, we touched on Tulane stabbing, Randell Vidrine, Callie Quinn, and Maribel Ramos.

Worst Roommate Ever: Sonia Acevedo, One of the Victims of Jamison Bachman’s Fraud!

One of the victims of serial squatter Jamison Bachman was Sonia Acevedo from Netflix’s Worst Roommate Ever. In 2012, Sonia Acevedo rented a room to Bachman. But the seemingly harmless room sharing developed into a real-life nightmare for her.

According to Sonia, Bachman was prone to violent outbursts, and she had to barricade her door with a chair because she was afraid he would harm her. No wonder, Sonia Acevedo was scared to death and wanted to save herself.

Acevedo says,

Now this person who I thought I knew is just next door in that bedroom, and I’m in this bedroom. And he could snap at any time.

Bachman was a fraudster who initially convinced roommates and house owners to rent him a room. But as soon as they rented him a room, he would refuse to pay his bills and become aggressive.

According to the Netflix series, he pretended to become a wealthy lawyer and presented himself as a charm good room renter to get a room, which wasn’t his true identity.

Bachman didn’t practice law, but he did have a law degree, which allowed him to become familiar with the difficulties of eviction notifications and living situations. Acevedo needed help paying her Queens, New York, mortgage, so she chose Bachman as a rent-paying roommate.

When Bachman refused to pay, Acevedo had to take on extra work, and she now can’t afford to retire due to Bachman’s financial situation. As a result, fans have decided to set up a GoFundMe page for Acevedo.

Worst Roommate Ever Fans were Stunned by the Story of Sonia Acevedo and Immediately Decided to Raise Funds Through GoFundMe

After the release of Worst Roommate Ever, many fans were touched by Sonia Acevedo‘s story and now many fans want to give her the opportunity to live out her retirement dream and have created GoFundMe pages in order for her to live an easy life.

Imelda Jimenez, a Los Angeles-based fan of the series, has set up a GoFundMe page for Acevedo. Despite the fact that Jimenez is not a friend or relative of Sonia, she was extremely moved by the experiences of these ladies. So far, only $750 of their $100,000 goal has been raised. However, the organizer encourages others to help Sonia by raising funds.

Sonia Acevedo also has a GoFundMe page put up by another fan, Lena Miller of Western Springs with a $150,000 aim. The goal of this fundraiser is to assist Sonia with any outstanding monthly expenses, food, and rent in order for her to retire.

Sonia never asked for help. However, considering her struggle to live daily life at her age, fans were really worried and many of them decided to help her by raising funds.

This proves that humanity really exists and we shall become a shoulder to lay on for the people who really need help. May God bless all these beautiful souls and help them to raise their aimed funds to help Sonia Acevedo.

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