Marilyn Monroe died on Aug. 4, 1962, and reports suggest that she killed herself by consuming a deadly dosage of anxiety medication. No doubt, she died of the overdose and even the officials believe she committed suicide. However, some people believe her mental illness was the reason she couldn't resist and died on the way to finding relief. Well, follow to know everything about her death.
Even though Marilyn Monroe passed away around 60 years ago, she is still remembered as an iconic person who was widely used as an s*x symbol in the 1950s. The actor and model appeared in numerous movies like The Seven Year Itch, Some Like it Hot, and Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, which propelled her to a whole new level and won her a multitude of followers.
Blonde, a Netflix original film, is a fictional version of Marilyn Monroe's life and career. The movie follows the evolution of her acting profession but mostly focuses on her relationships, practically all of which are heartbreaking and full of misery. Even at the peak of her fame, she encounters numerous unpleasant events and indulges in unproductive relationships.
No doubt, Monroe has left a never-ending legacy in the world of glamour. People still admire and praise her for everything he did. Now that the Netflix movie has once again made many of her fans remember again, they've been seeking answers to many of her life incidents. One such query is about her death. They want to know if she killed herself or why she committed suicide. Well, we've got you covered.
Previously, we touched on if Marilyn Monroe was Spanish. Likewise, find out if she had a relationship with Charlie Chaplin's son.
Marilyn Monroe Died on August 4, 1962, Because of an Overdose: Man People Believe She Committed Suicide and Killed Herself; What Do You Personally Believe?
Marilyn Monroe passed away on Aug. 4, 1962, in the late hours of the evening. However, her official time of death was 3:50 a.m. on Aug. 5, 1962. The cause of death for Monroe was given as an overdose. She, indeed, was the reason for her death. But can it be regarded as suicide? Did she really kill herself? Well, it depends on your personal thought. Before revealing what I personally believe, let's know about her death in detail.
She was discovered unconscious in her bedroom at her Brentwood, California, home. When Monroe's bedroom light came on early on August 5th, Eunice Murray, her housekeeper, who was on the property at the time, got concerned. The housekeeper informed Monroe's psychiatrist, Dr. Ralph Greenson, when she didn't respond to Murray's calls or when she saw that the bedroom door was shut after she'd seen it was locked. He entered the room through a window at 3:30 a.m. The Hollywood star was discovered face down on her bed, naked, holding a phone in one hand. The room was covered in empty pill bottles.
The coroner's toxicology report determined that acute barbiturate poisoning was the cause of death. The toxicologist found that Marilyn Monroe consumed a deadly dosage of the anxiety medication Nembutal as well as a significant amount of the sedative chloral hydrate.
Despite the fact that Monroe's death was determined to be the result of an overdose, the enigmatic circumstances surrounding her passing have given rise to rumors of foul play. Monroe was supposed to be having an affair with both President John F. Kennedy and his brother, Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, who some claim paid her a visit the night before she passed away.
Some investigators have even claimed that the CIA was involved in her death. Others have questioned the reasons why it took so long for her remains to be given to the coroner's office and the whereabouts of untested tissue samples.
The Los Angeles Police Department revived Monroe's investigation two decades after her passing because the debate surrounding her death was so intense. Despite further inquiry, the district attorney concluded that her death was still considered to be the result of a drug overdose. The Mystery of Marilyn Monroe: The Unheard Tapes, which was eventually made public, was the result of journalist Anthony Summers' various investigations, which generated 650 taped interviews. Additionally, we can't forget how she was struggling with her mental health during her last days.
According to Lois Banner's book Marilyn: The Passion and the Paradox, Marilyn experienced excruciating nightmares, unrelenting insomnia, and bipolar disorder. Marilyn experienced a difficult childhood because of her parents. While her mother was frequently admitted to mental hospitals, she was raised in an orphanage and foster homes, without getting to know her father.
Many have speculated that Marilyn Monroe may have also had borderline personality disorder in addition to her diagnosis of bipolar disorder. The Payne Whitney Psychiatric Clinic in New York accepted Marilyn after she revealed her issues with mental illness. Doctors allegedly referred to her as a very sick girl and put her in a padded cell.
Well, what I believe is Marilyn Monroe might have taken all those pills because she was suffering. However, she didn't realize it could kill her. Many people, including the officials, believe she committed suicide and killed herself, while I believe she died because of the overdose, not because she wanted to kill herself.
Additionally, Blonde is now streaming on Netflix.
Before leaving, find out if Merilyn Monroe had two boyfriends at the same time.
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