Home Netflix Original ‘Who Killed Sara’ Season 3 Doctor: Who is Cast as Dr. Alanis?
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‘Who Killed Sara’ Season 3 Doctor: Who is Cast as Dr. Alanis?

‘Who Killed Sara’ Season 3 Doctor: Who is Cast as Dr. Alanis?

Daniel Gimenez Cacho plays the role of Dr. Alanis in Netflix’s ‘Who Killed Sara?’ Season 3. He is a Mexican veteran actor who is mostly renowned for his role as Tito the Coroner in Cronos. He perfectly fits the cast as a doctor in the Netflix series. Follow the article to know more about Daniel and his role in Who Killed Sara Season 3.

Who Killed Sara?‘ (original title: Quién mató a Sara?) is back for a third season on Netflix, bringing the long-running titular mystery to a close. The stakes have never been higher, and Sara appears to be alive after all.  The tables have also been turned on the vainglorious Lazcano family, who are now bankrupt and more divided than ever.

Then there’s the mysterious Reinaldo (Jean Reno), a previously unseen component of the story. Sara’s death is connected to a number of increasingly disturbing conspiracies, and what starts out as a straightforward mystery quickly becomes a complicated exercise in plot twists. After a while, things start to get violent as several key characters meet their untimely deaths.

One of the characters, who dies on the show, is Dr. Alanis. Many viewers of the show are confused about his death. Some fans also wonder about the cast who played the role of a doctor in the series. Well, let’s find out everything about Dr. Alanis’ cast and his death.

Previously, we touched on Marifer, Elisa, Alma Solares, Lorenzo, and Chema.

Who is Cast as Dr. Alanis in Netflix’s ‘Who Killed Sara’ Season 3: Who Kills the Doctor in the Netflix Show?

The role of Dr. Alanis is played by veteran Mexican actor, Daniel Giménez Cacho. He was born on May 15, 1961, and is best known for playing Tito the Coroner in Cronos (1993) and We Are What We Are (2010).  He also appeared in Sólo Con Tu Pareja, Cronos, Midaq Alley, Tear This Heart Out, and Bad Education, among other Mexican films and television series.

He is also well-known for his collaborations with Hispanic filmmakers such as Guillermo del Toro, Alfonso Cuarón, Jorge Fons, and Pedro Almodóvar. He starred in Alfonso Cuarón and Guillermo del Toro’s television series La hora marcada and the Mexican serial Teresa.

As the narrator, his voice can be heard throughout Y tu mamá también. He starred in the Mexican version of the Argentinian television series Locas de Amor in 2009. Cacho portrayed an Armenian priest in the film, The Promise, which was set during the Armenian genocide. Now let’s talk about his character in the show.

In the first episode of the final season, Alex and Rodolfo observe as Sara‘s grave is removed by a crane with the help of the authorities. When the coffin is opened, it reveals that it is empty, as Alex had predicted. Sara is thought to be dead, but not confirmed. Alex claims that his sister is still alive.

Alex receives a call late at night from the strange hospital, informing him that Marifer has awoken from her coma. He pays her a visit with Elisa. Marifer has been severely burned. On Alex’s phone, Marifer writes Nicandro and Dr. Alanis. Security arrives before he can acquire any more information.

In a flashback, Nicandro’s father appears to have taken charge of Sara’s medical care when she fell from the parachute. In the present, the father calls Nicandro, concerned about Alex’s visit to Dr. Alanis’ office.

Alex confronts Nicandro about his relationship with Sara’s psychiatrist Dr. Alanis in the middle of the night. Nicandro calls Sara crazy, prompting Alex to lash out, claiming Nicandro meant to murder his sister before departing his home.

After Dr. Alanis is murdered, Elisa warns Rodolfo that they are all in danger. Rodolfo is concerned because he lacks the financial means to repay his father’s criminal debts.

Alex and Elisa are concerned about the girl’s origins and believe she is Sara’s baby. Sara is the only person who can provide them with the answers they require. Meanwhile, Nicandro informs his father that Lucia (Alex and Elisa’s small daughter) has escaped. Daniela is accused by Nicandro’s father of assisting Lucia’s escape. Daniela informs him that she does not want him to treat Lucia the same way he treated Sara.

Cesar appears at Alex’s house, furious that his bank account has been emptied. Cesar is asked if he killed Dr. Alanis by Alex. Cesar believes he has nothing to do with the situation and only wants his money back. The argument between Alex and Cesar continues, but then Lucia appears.

Alex confesses that she is Sara’s daughter, implying that she is Cesar’s. Cesar claims that he was never associated with the weird hospital, but Mariana was. However, the house is sprayed with gunfire by Nicandro and his crew before they can finish their conversation.

After that, Dr. Alanis’ name does not appear in the show. His death still remains a mystery. However, we can assume that it was Nicandro who killed Dr. Alanis.

Before you leave, find out what kind of car Alex drives.

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