Home Netflix Original Vos Society on Archive 81: Family, Mansion, Cult, Black Magic!
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Vos Society on Archive 81: Family, Mansion, Cult, Black Magic!

Vos Society on Archive 81: Family, Mansion, Cult, Black Magic!

Iris Vos, the leаder of the Vos Society on Archive 81, intends to use black magic with her two brothers to welcome Kаelego into the world as well as to bless herself with a kid. We shed light on the Vos Society, the family cult, and their mansion. Some Archive 81 viewers misspell the cult as the Voss Society.

Archive 81 on Netflix is a horror series that is the newest collaboration between James Wan and Rebecca Sonnenshine, the legendary horror director.

Archive 81 is a found-footage horror series based on the same-titled podcast about a video archivist called Dan Turner. The main characters are Mamoudou Athie who plays Dan Turner and Dina Shihabi who plays Melody Pendras. On January 14, 2022, the series premiered on Netflix.

When archivist Dan Turner (Mamoudou Athie) is recruited to preserve a collection of VHS recordings from the 1990s, he finds himself engaged in a mystery. Dan views a film taken at The Visser building by Melody Pendras (Dina Shihabi) of a bizarre cult, disappearances, sacrifices, and even an alternative realm.

As Dan follows Melody’s travels, the two begin to form an unusual bond, leading to an unexpected conclusion. What appeared to be a routine task becomes a nightmare when the strange creature that had taken the woman’s life in the past seems to have made its way back to him 25 years later.

Previously, we explained the Visser Apartments building, Wellspring DNA TestingBaldung Witches, the Archive 81 ending, whether or not it’s based on a true story.

In addition, we touched on the character of Evie Crest, Comet Kharon, Matt McGorry’s weight gain and wife, and the precise filming locations.

Archive 81: What is the Vos Society? Is it Real?

When Dan views a rare vintage horror film from 1958 called The Circle, which shows an ancient cult conducting blood magic, the first mention to the Vos Society appears early in the series. We learn later that the film’s director, William Crest, was inspired by a video of a real-life rite in which a person is sacrificed to an unknown deity.

The director’s inspiration video turns out to be a clip of the Vos Society executing their own rite. We learn more about the secret society and its members as the story develops. Episode 7 in particular dives into the specifics of how the rites were carried out.

The Vos family lived in the mansion that was eventually demolished to make way for the Visser building. The Vos house, like the multi-story building, is destroyed in a mystery fire as a result of the Vos Society’s ritual held in the basement. The society aims to integrate the world with their deity Kaelego‘s “other realm” through the rite.

The secret society in question is not real, in case you were wondering. Of course, there are a plethora of real-life secret organizations and cults, from which the fictitious Vos Society likely takes inspiration. The Vos Society, as described in Archive 81, however, does not exist, which may be a good thing.

Who is Iris Vos?

The Vos Society is first introduced in 1924 when Iris Vos seems to be its head. Iris Vos is the heiress to the Vos fortune, and her secret society is dominated by affluent clients.

Iris intends to employ black magic with her two brothers to bring Kaelego into the world while also blessing herself with a child. She hires a young maid named Rose, who is later sacrificed at the ritual.

The Vos Society’s blood magic ceremony, led by Iris Vos, establishes a portal to another dimension, locking the leader in the “other world” as the Vos house is consumed by flames. The Vos Society appears to have come to an end with Iris Vos’ death and the deaths of all of its members.

The season 1 conclusion, however, shows Iris Vos in the “other world,” indicating that she is still alive. Though not mentioned, it appears that the affluent brothers Virgil and Samuel are also striving to reestablish the Vos Society and may join forces with Iris Vos (if they haven’t already).

There’s also a chance that Virgil and Samuel are blood relatives of the Vos family, which would explain their fascination with Kaelego and the cassettes.

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