Ms. Kelly’s necklace from Stranger Things Season 4 has been one of the factors which indicate that she might be helping the main villain, Vecna or 001, of the Netflix series. Played by trans actress Regina Ting Chen, Ms. Kelly is a counselor which was hired by the school to help students in recovering from their trauma. Follow the article to know about Ms. Kelly’s connection with Vecna and how her necklace indicates their relationship.
Stranger Things 4, the fourth season of the American science fiction horror drama television series, Stranger Things, was released on Netflix in two volumes, the first of which consisted of seven episodes and was released on May 27, 2022, and the second of which consisted of two episodes will be released five weeks later on July 1, 2022.
Fans have been speculating about all of the many narrative aspects and clues connected to the new big evil Vecna since the first episode of Netflix’s hit sci-fi show was released last month. The current idea, however, revolves around another season four newcomer, Regina Ting Chen‘s Ms. Kelly, the Hawkins High School guidance counselor.
Although she appears to be motivated by a desire to help students in recovering from their trauma, some viewers believe she is secretly collaborating with the demonic soul-sucker Vecna. Some fans believe her necklace is one of the factors that indicate that she might be a friend or in any way linked to Vecna is her necklace. Let’s discuss briefly how Ms. Kelly’s necklace is not an ordinary necklace.
How Does Ms. Kelly’s Necklace Indicate That She Is Helping Vecna?
Chrissy, the cheerleader, is the first victim of Vecna‘s rampage among Hawkins’ vulnerable teenagers, before moving on to school reporter Fred. By the time he reaches Max, the magical town’s children have begun to piece together the details of his victims. They observe, in particular, how they’ve all been talking to school counselor Ms. Kelly, played by Regina Ting Chen (@reginatingchen), about their headaches and terrifying visions.
In episode three of the new season, Max and her friends get into Ms. Kelly’s office and sift through her notes to learn whatever they can about Vecna’s relationship. Their main takeaways are that the victims have all had identical symptoms, and Vecna appears to target people who have had terrible experiences in the past.
The clock may be heard chiming loudly in the scene in episode three where Max is speaking in her house. Furthermore, if you look closely, you can see a clock in the center of Ms. Kelly’s key pendant on her gold necklace Some speculated that Vecna and Ms. Kelly may be the same person, or that she was assisting him for a different reason.
Anyone who has binge-watched the new episodes will know that all of Vecna’s victims had visions of the creepy Creel House clock before falling under his spell. Furthermore, the pendant is shaped like a key, which might be used to open the clock inside a necklace (see the keyhole on the side of the ticking timekeeper).
Many viewers pointed out that a ticking clock can be heard in the background during all of Max’s sessions with Ms. Kelly, similar to the sound the villain’s victims hear in the countdown to his attack.
Furthermore, Max, who was on the verge of becoming Vecna’s next victim, is likewise pressed by Ms. Kelly to acknowledge having the same symptoms as Chrissy and Fred. Another red flag appears in episode three when she nags Max to tell him about witnessing her brother Billy‘s death.
Ms. Kelly could be providing Vecna with information about her students, as Vecna has only been targeting high schoolers who have experienced known traumas. She could be willingly sacrificing them, or she could be a Vecna earth-side host, much like Will Byers was a Mind Flayer host in season two.
Is Ms. Kelly, collaborating with Vecna, aka One/Peter Ballard/Henry Creel? Is her necklace really related to her connection with the villain? We’ll have to wait until July 1 for volume two of “Stranger Things” season four to find out.
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