Home Netflix News Is Glenda Cleveland a Real Person? Was She Really Jeffrey Dahmer’s Neighbor? Is She Still Alive? Interview, Daughter, Death & Wikipedia; Netflix Update!
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Is Glenda Cleveland a Real Person? Was She Really Jeffrey Dahmer’s Neighbor? Is She Still Alive? Interview, Daughter, Death & Wikipedia; Netflix Update!

Is Glenda Cleveland a Real Person? Was She Really Jeffrey Dahmer’s Neighbor? Is She Still Alive? Interview, Daughter, Death & Wikipedia; Netflix Update!

Yes, Glenda Cleveland is a real person. As shown in the Netflix documentary, she was Jeffrey Dahmer’s neighbor who had suspected his doings after she, her daughter, and her niece saw a boy crawling right outside Jeffrey’s apartment. 4 months after the incident, it was discovered that the boy was 14-year-old Konerak Sinthasomphone. Later, she kept blaming the police officers for the child’s death who didn’t believe her suspect in many interviews. However, she is not alive in 2022. She died on December 24, 2010, and her cause of death was announced as heart disease and high blood pressure. Follow to know more about Glenda Cleveland with her complete Wikipedia.

The recently released limited-run Netflix series Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story is a fictitious depiction of how infamous serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer chose and killed his victims. Between 1978 and 1991, he murdered and dismembered 17 men and boys. His later killings included cannibalism, necrophilia, and the long-term storage of body parts.

The 10-episode series exposes the atrocities, with the focus of the narrative being on the victims and their communities. The systematic racism of the police, which allowed one of the most infamous serial killers in the country to carry out his murderous binge for more than ten years, is part of the story.

Glenda Cleveland is one character in the series who had expressed suspicion about what he did but was ignored by the police. Not all of the plots or characters in television series or films based on genuine stories follow real-life events exactly. Productions occasionally feel the need to dramatize or introduce extra characters to improve the plot. Similarly, many viewers of the show want to if Glenda is a real person. Well, we’ve got you covered.

Glenda Cleveland Was a Real Person and the Neighbor of Jeffrey Dahmer Who Actually Tried to Flash His Doings: Is She Still Alive? Interview, Daughter, Death & Wikipedia; Netflix Update!

No doubt, Glenda Cleveland was a real person who had the first suspect in Jeffrey Dahmer‘s doings. Cleveland, Dahmer’s neighbor, attempted to call the police several times to let them know what was going on in Dahmer’s apartment. However, she was repeatedly disregarded, as depicted in the show. According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, “the serial killer could have been stopped two months earlier if police had only listened to [Cleveland].”

According to reports, in the early morning hours of May 27, 1991, Glenda Cleveland’s teenage daughter Sandra Smith and niece Nicole Childress reportedly observed a naked, bloodied, and unresponsive teenage male escaping from Dahmer in an alleyway. They made an effort to protect the boy from Dahmer and then called the police, who quickly showed up.

According to AP News, Smith previously claimed,

We tried to give the policemen our names, but he just told us to butt out. I couldn’t understand why he didn’t want our names. I said, ’What are you going to do about this? This is a boy.

In fact, they helped Dahmer, who was accused of abusing the child, in bringing him back to his apartment. After the cops left, Dahmer injected him in the brain with hydrochloric acid, which ultimately killed him. Only a few months and four more victims later did it become clear that Konerak Sinthasomphone, who Dahmer had claimed to be his 19-year-old boyfriend, was actually only 14 years old.

But in that brief encounter with the police, Dahmer convinced the officers that the victim was only his 19-year-old partner who had consumed alcohol. According to a 1991 Milwaukee Sentinel article, the police dismissed the event as a domestic squabble between two homosexuals.

The police chose to believe Dahmer over Glenda Cleveland after she had asked for help for Konerak. Furthermore, Cleveland recognized Sinthasomphone’s picture in a missing person notice in the newspaper. She eventually realized that the missing boy was the same one Dahmer had claimed to be his drunken boyfriend. She again contacted the FBI, but no one got back to her.

Dahmer was eventually arrested in 1991 after Tracy Edwards managed to escape his grasp and summon the police to his apartment. Cleveland remained a resident on the same street after Dahmer’s capture until 2009. While she was pleading for someone to pay attention and her concerns were ignored, Mayor John Norquist later praised her as a model citizen.

Milwaukee’s Common Council and County Board honored Glenda Cleveland, and the Milwaukee Police Department also presented her with awards. She continued speaking out in different interviews against the unfair treatment of cops that had resulted in the loss of innocent lives. Cleveland apparently maintained contact with Konerak’s family as well.

On December 24, 2010, Glenda Cleveland passed away at the age of 56. She had been living in her apartment in Milwaukee. She hadn’t been seen by some worried neighbors for a few days, so they called the police, who later found her laying on the floor of her apartment. According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, it was a natural death caused by heart disease and high blood pressure. Sandra Smith, her daughter, attributed her mother’s heavy smoking to this.

Additionally, Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story is now available on Netflix.

Before leaving, find out if Glenda Cleveland ate the sandwich containing human meat.

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