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Did Jeremy Cheat With Sarah Ann?

Did Jeremy Cheat With Sarah Ann? netflixdeed.com
It seems Jeremy cheated on Laura with Sarah Ann as he was hesitant when talking about spending the night with Sarah in the recent episode of Love Is Blind.

It seems Jeremy cheated on Laura with Sarah Ann as he was hesitant when talking about spending the night with Sarah in the recent episode of Love Is Blind. In the trailer of the upcoming episode, Sarah and Jeremy appear to meet face-to-face on camera to talk, so we’ll have to see what happens.

In Netflix’s ‘Love is Blind’, participants have the opportunity to find their future partner via a unique social experiment while watching television. Given how hard the pairing process might be, not every participant achieves what they want. The show’s Season 6 has premiered, introducing viewers to various new couples to root for, each with their own unique love story.

Among them are Jeremy Lutinski and Laura Dadisman, whose tenure on the show was far from easy. From being part of a love triangle to a communication breakdown, they faced numerous challenges that left the viewers wondering whether the two went ahead with the wedding or chose to go their separate ways.

Consequently, it seemed like Jeremy had an obsession with Sarah Ann, so their relationship couldn’t work. As a result, many viewers tend to believe Jeremy cheated on Laura with Sarah Ann. Well, here’s everything you need to know.

Jeremy Probably Cheated on Laura With Sarah Ann

According to speculations, Chelsea may have been unhappy with Jeremy for cheating on Laura and sleeping with Sarah Ann as per the recent episodes of Love Is Blind.

At the end of episode nine, Laura confronts Jeremy about being out till five in the morning with Sarah Ann. He informed Laura that after running into Sarah while he was meant to be with his pals, he lingered behind to talk to her since she was upset about something. Sarah was one of the girls that Jeremy was connected to within the pods, but he ended things with her to propose to Laura.

Jeremy possibly cheated on his fiancée, Laura, with Sarah Ann. netflixdeed.comJeremy possibly cheated on his fiancée, Laura, with Sarah Ann. 
Image Source: The Mirror US 

Laura was unhappy with Jeremy and told him that things were adding up. In one of the new episodes, it was discovered that Sarah Ann messaged Jeremy directly and followed her. She then believed he was entertaining Sarah Ann rather than taking the initiative to shut things off. So, she doesn’t believe the two were just talking.

A person on Reddit wrote: “For Sarah Ann’s sake I hope she wasn’t dumb enough to f**k an engaged man on TV because the public will rip into her.” Another saw a hint that Jeramy and Sarah Ann may have betrayed Laura, as none of the cast members are following Sarah Ann or Jeremy on social media, writing:  “No girls from the season follow Sarah Ann or (dumb a** spelling) Jeramey on insta!”

Fans also speculated about the clip, which depicts Chelsea saying “you f**ked her!” but does not reveal who she is yelling at. They assume Chelsea is yelling at Jimmy for being intimate with one of his female acquaintances, whom he introduced her to. Jimmy presented Chelsea to two of his female acquaintances, whom he stated he had known for around two years.

A Reddit user believes Jimmy had a sexual relationship with one of them before the performance. They wrote: “I think Jimmy’s previously had relations with one of his friends that Chelsea met. The truth probably came and she lost her SHIZZ.” Another wrote:

I think Chelsea is saying “You F’d her!” Is probably referring to Jimmy’s two “friends” who met Chelsea for lunch. She’s so insecure she probably brought it up later that day because she needs constant reassurance he loves her so she probably said this referring to one of those two girls.

How Did Jeremy Respond to Laura When He Was Accused of Cheating Her With Sarah Ann?

Jeremy is believed to have cheated with Sarah Ann on his fiancée, Laura, after knowing they had talked about things until 5 a.m. She also claimed that he did not do enough to prevent any of this from happening by ending things with Sarah.

Jeramey and his fiancée, Laura, do not appear to be on good terms. netflixdeed.comJeramey and his fiancée, Laura, do not appear to be on good terms. 
Image Source: The Mirror Us

This is because, earlier in the new episodes we learned that Sarah allegedly DM‘d Jeramey, and while she wished him well, she told him that if he changed his mind, she would love the opportunity to meet him regardless of which path he takes. He even liked her direct message and followed her back, which appears to have disturbed his fiancée.

Laura is steadily losing trust in Jeramey during this talk, claiming he is “Mr. Nice Guy too much.” She claims she knew this was going to happen. She was dissatisfied with Jeramy’s handling of the problem, even though he had given his whereabouts. Later, she stated, ‘I’m not denying anything. You’re denying leaving the bar.’

Jeramey then replied, “I don’t want to talk about it this second.” Although he alleges he was in the parking lot of Lost and Found that night Laura claims he was in Sarah Ann’s area instead. Before the episode ends, she states,

You weren’t even in South End. You were North of uptown. Which is where Sarah Ann lives. I want out.

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