Home Netflix Original Who Killed Sara: Who Is Abel Martinez? Is Sara’s Father Dead?
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Who Killed Sara: Who Is Abel Martinez? Is Sara’s Father Dead?

Who Killed Sara: Who Is Abel Martinez? Is Sara’s Father Dead?

Abel Martinez Osorio, one of the characters in Netflix’s Who Killed Sara, is the father of Sara and Marifer. In the Netflix show, he tries to kill Sara for the money, however, Cesar arrives at the right time and shoots Abel in the head. However, Chema confessed to killing Abel as he did not want Cesar to get caught. Follow the article to know more about Abel Martinez and his death.

Who Killed Sara? (originally titled: Quien mato a Sara?) is a Netflix original Mexican mystery thriller series created by José Ignacio Valenzuela and produced by Perro Azul. Its first edition premiered on March 24, 2021. The Netflix series follows Alex Guzman, Played by Manolo Cardona, a man wrongfully convicted of the murder of his sister, a crime he did not commit.

The show caught viewers’ interest, and fans were left with only one question after it began streaming: who killed Sara? The show returned for the final season, answering many of the questions that had been left unresolved in the previous two seasons.

And now that the series has ended, fans have begun to know about the story and characters in depth. One of the characters viewers really want to know about is Abel Martinez. Well, here is everything we know about Abel Martinez.

Who Is Abel Martinez on Netflix’s Who Killed Sara?

In the Netflix show, everyone thinks Sara died in a paragliding accident, but this isn’t the case, at least not the one Alex wants to believe. At first, he assumed Sara‘s murder was committed by the Lazcano family, but Marifer confessed to Sara’s murder at the end of season 2. Meanwhile, Sara’s stepsister Marifer had the same father as Sara, Abel Martinez Osorio.

Alex discovers a dead body in his backyard in season one, and the identity of the body is revealed in season two. It is revealed that the body was of Sara’s, Abel Martinez, played by Antonio de la Vega (@antoniodelavegaig). Now let’s know how he died.

In the flashback, Abel breaks into Sara’s house one night and threatens her with money. When Sara refuses to give him the money, he stabs her, revealing that he raped her mother and that Marifer is her half-sister. Sara sees him fighting him off and calls Cesar Lazcano. When Cesar sees Abel going to stab Sara, he shoots him in the head.

That wasn’t the only mystery that surrounded Abel. He was also Marifer’s father, and he was responsible for their mother’s death. Sara and Marifer are found to have been half-sisters all along. However, Alex and Sara do not have the same father, which further complicates the family tree, despite the fact that it has little impact on Sara’s murder.

Sara buried Abel Martinez, and Alex subsequently discovered his body in the backyard. As Cesar escaped Mexico at the end of Season 2, the authorities would have arrested Alex for supposed murder, and his son, Chema, would have been blamed. Chema, who had lost everything, confessed to killing Abel because he was in love with Alex and wanted to protect the last thing he had.

What Happens to the Lazcano Family at the End of the Show? Does Chema Get Released From the Jail?

The Lazcano family is deeply involved in Sara‘s case, and they are the first targets of Alex‘s revenge plan. Sara’s frighteningly clever brother, in fact, succeeds in causing major damage to the family’s reputation in season 1.

The Lazcanos are irreversibly devastated by season 2 when Elisa Lazcano burns down her own family’s casino. As a result, season 3 begins with a once-wealthy family now bankrupt and their assets and properties seized by the government. Cesar and Mariana‘s relationship, which has kept the family together for better or worse, falls apart totally.

After realizing how much grief he has caused his family, Cesar ultimately admits to killing Abel Martinez. The Lazcano patriarch is the one who kills Abel in order to release Sara from her violent father. He is sentenced to forty years in jail, while his wife is ordered to live a life of repentance. Similarly, Chema gets released from prison, but he still appeared to have issues with his sexuality even at the end of the show.

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