Home Shuffle Greta Van Susteren’s Plastic Surgery Isn’t Limited to Eye lift!

Greta Van Susteren’s Plastic Surgery Isn’t Limited to Eye lift!

Greta Van Susteren’s Plastic Surgery Isn’t Limited to Eye lift! netflixdeed.com

Greta Van Susteren has previously admitted to receiving an eye lift, but many viewers believe she also might have undergone other plastic surgery procedures like Botox, fillers, and facelift. People believe so as she appears wrinkle-free in her mid-60s.

Greta Van Susteren is an American commentator, lawyer, and television news anchor for Newsmax TV who began presenting The Record with Greta van Susteren on June 14, 2022.  Likely, she was a former criminal defense and civil trial lawyer who co-hosted the CNN show Burden of Proof with Roger Cossack from 1994 to 2002, playing the defense attorney to Cossack’s prosecutor.

Besides her career, Greta Van Susteren has also gained a lot of backlash due to her stunning appearance over the years. Many viewers believe she appears younger than her real age. So, did she undergo plastic surgery to enhance her look? Well, let’s find the truth.

Previously, we talked about the plastic surgery efforts of Toyota’s Jan and Melanie Martinez.

Greta Van Susteren Has Been Accused of Receiving Numerous Plastic Surgery Procedures as She Appears Stunning and Wrinkle-Free at the Age of 69!

Greta Van Susteren‘s (@greta) career as a lawyer and criminal specialist propels her to popularity once she becomes a television channel pundit. Because of her celebrity, she also gets her private show, which she hosts under her name. Furthermore, her expertise and abilities have earned her recognition as one of the world’s most powerful women. However, many people have been suspicious of her appearance and have spread rumors that she has undergone plastic surgery.

Greta Van Susteren before and after plastic surgery. netflixdeed.comGreta Van Susteren before and after plastic surgery.
Image Source: Business Insider

The 69-year-old anchor knows what it’s like to be in the spotlight because she worked in the entertainment industry. That may be an accomplishment because only a few people can reach it, but it also puts a lot of strain on her beauty. Sure, she has a lot of knowledge and talent, but in Hollywood, that won’t get you far. This is why she must have realized that she needs to look ideal to stay in the entertainment industry for a long time, and plastic surgery becomes a means for her to attain her goals.

As we can see, Greta Van Susteren is no longer young but she must compete for her place with younger, more beautiful women who are also as intelligent as her. That is why she needs to appear younger as well to compete. What worries her is the condition of her eyes; if you look at an old photo of her from a few years ago, you will notice that she has acquired an eye bag around her eyes. This eye bag is quite typical, as she is getting older and her eyes no longer form the way they used to.

This situation was far worse for Greta Van because of her noticeable eye bag, which is the result of excess fat that closes half of her eyelids. The aged muscle on her eyes would no longer be able to lift her eyes adequately, thus she needed eyelift surgery to deal with the problem. This is why she has transformed her appearance and her eyes have grown much more open; there is no longer any drooping skin around her eyes, and the skin has tightened.

However, Greta Van Susteren openly admits to having an eyelift when questioned about the treatment because she said she had had enough of her eye bag, which made her appear ugly. This is why she wants to appear more attractive, so she underwent eyelift surgery to remove the eye bag that had grown too much for her. And she stated that she is pleased with the outcome because she now seems more gorgeous.

More About Greta Van Susteren’s Plastic Surgery Rumors!

Another aging sign that Greta Van Susteren has to face is the wrinkle all over her face. This kind of aging indication normally appears when a person has passed the age of thirty, which for her was a long time ago. This is why you can see how she gained a lot of wrinkles in the skin around her face from her appearance on the show a few years ago.

Greta Van Susteren's latest appearance. netflixdeed.comGreta Van Susteren’s latest appearance.
Image Source: The Hollywood Reporter

But, as you may see, the Newsmax TV anchor now has a more lovely look, with no wrinkles which could be the result of Botox injections, fillers, or facelifts. This is a significant change in her because her face has smoothed out and no signs of ageing are noticeable.

However, she has neither accepted nor denied having any of those plastic surgery procedures except eyelift. All of the above information is based on speculation. We hope to be back soon if we gain more information about the secret behind her stunning transformation.