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Did Aaliyah Get a Nose Job?

Did Aaliyah Get a Nose Job? netflixdeed.com

Aaliyah getting a nose job rumor has generated a lot of controversy all over the internet. The question of whether the rumors are true or fake is still a question mark. Many people believe that the rumors are fake and that the changes people have found when comparing her before and after pictures were because of her makeup.

Aaliyah Dana Haughton, also known as Aaliyah, was an American singer and actress. She began her musical career at 12 when she signed a deal with the Blackground Records label. She is no longer alive, as she was killed in an airplane accident in the Bahamas at the age of 22 on August 25, 2001.

Aaliyah has been in the news lately after people started remembering her on her death anniversary. Along with the R&B singer, eight others died in the accident. Her private funeral mass was held on August 31, 2001, at the Church of St. Ignatius Loyola in Manhattan. Many people still seem mesmerized by her voice, and her single Unstoppable is guessed to be released by the end of 2023.

Aaliyah died at a very young age, but many things people still talk about her life. In this article, we will discuss the rumors about her cosmetic surgery, including a nose job. Well, let’s get started.

Earlier, we addressed the plastic surgery changes of Heeseung and Brie Larson.

Despite Her Death, Aaliyah Receiving a Nose Job Is Still a Subject of Concern!

Aaliyah was said to have a nose job to make her public image better. However, there has not been any confirmation about the news till now. People are talking about this thing on Reddit, Twitter, Instagram, and even TikTok these days. Some of her fans think that the rumors are fake, while others still think that she had a nose job.

Before Aaliyah was announced dead, there were a lot of things people talked about her. One of the questions she made her fans guess was about her nose. Many people think that she had a nose job done at the end of 1999. There are many unpopular opinions of people regarding the singer having a nose job, and in this article, we will be discussing some of them.

It's unclear whether or not Aaliyah received a nose job. netflixdeed.com
It’s unclear whether or not Aaliyah received a nose job.
Image Source: People

Aaliyah shocked fans with her transformation in the early 2000s. She looked completely different from the beginning of her career, which led people to assume that she had a nose job. People think that the singer had surgery to improve her nasal shape. Some of her fans think that in the 2000s, plastic surgery was a big thing and she had not had it, while others think it improved nasal shape.

Why Was Aaliyah’s Transformation Credits Given to Eric Ferrell?

While the controversy was going on about Aaliyah‘s having a nose job done, many people talked without any proof, but it looks like some of her fans got into the depths and talked about the matter with proof.

In 2020, one of the users posted about the Aaliya nose job thing on her Instagram. The user claims that the rumors are fake and people are stupid. The user mentioned Aaliyah’s makeup artist, Eric Ferrell, in the post.

In the post, the Instagram user said that Aaliyah was 100% natural, and if other people don’t know what contouring is, then that’s anyone’s problem because Aaliyah’s makeup artist Eric made her nose look smaller with contour.

The user also posted a series of pictures and tried to prove that Aaliyah had no link with the nose job, and it was all because of makeup. Many people in the comment section seem to agree with the user’s points.

Some people credit Aaliyah's makeover to makeup artist Eris Farewell. netflixdeed.com
Some people credit Aaliyah’s makeover to makeup artist Eris Farewell.
Image Source: People

In our opinion, we think that Aaliyah was transforming with her growth, but we cannot confirm or make a point about the singer having a nose job. It’s not clear anything as of 2023; she might have had a cosmetic procedure, or, as the people claim, it was just a makeup power that made her look different. Until there is no evidence or confirmation, we cannot declare anything.

Aaliyah Was Very Much Focused On Her Public Image!

If you guys have been following Aaliyah since the beginning of her career, you might be aware of her being focused on her public image. She worked very hard to maintain her public image, and people used to think that she had a nose job and many other procedures to maintain her image.

She never talked about doing anything to her face, but during an interview, she mentioned being under pressure to maintain a public image;

I put a lot of pressure on myself to be true to myself and not let anything else influence me to do what someone else is doing. Being a little edgy and sexy is me. My image isn’t a put-on. I’m happy to put over that dark edge in my videos, because it’s always been there. I used to wear my sunglasses or have my hair over one eye a lot more when I was younger. [Now] I’m happy with all aspects of myself.